Establishing American Gov't Constitution and Bill of Rights Citizenship and Democracy Branches of Government Levels of Government


What is the Magna Carta?
The document that first limited the power of the British monarcy.


What is an Amendment?
A change or addition to the Consitution, which requires a proposal by Congress and ratification by the states.


What is Naturalization?
The process of becoming a U.S. citizen.


What is the Veto?
This presidential action can be overridden by a 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress.


What are Concurrent Powers?
Powers such as collecting taxes and establishing courts.


Who is Thomas Paine?
He wrote Common Sense to persuade the colonies to fight for Independence.


What are Checks and Balances?
These ensure that the three branches of the federal government stay equal in power.


What is a Duty?
Paying taxes, obeying laws, and attending school


Who is the Speaker of the House?
He or she is the most powerful member of Congress.


What is the North Carolina General Assembly?
This part of North Carolina government is most like the U.S. Congress.


What are the Articles of Confederation?
The nation's first constitution that failed because it did not have the power to raise taxes, enforce laws, or protect private property.


What is Symbolic Speech?
An action, such as burning the flag or wearing an armband to school, that is protected by the First Amendment.


What are Life, Liberty and Property?
The natural rights that all citizens have and are protected in the Bill of Rights.


What is the Council of State?
The part of the North Carolina executive branch that is elected by voters instead of appointed by the governor


What is an Ordinance?
A local law passed by the council or board of commissioners.


Who are the Anti-Federalists?
The group that fought against ratification of the Constitution because it made the national government too strong and did not include a Bill of Rights.


What is Federalism?
The principle of the Constitution that divides power between the national and state governments, with the national government supreme.


What is a Dictatorship?
The kind of government that does not allow citizens political freedoms or a choice of political party.


What is Administrative Law?
The kind of law created by the executive branch.


Who is the Manager?
The top executive leader in NC local government who carries out operations and enforces policies.


What is the Three-Fifths Compromise?
This settled the debate at the Constitutional Convention over how to count slaves toward a state's population in deciding representation in Congress.


What is Due Process?
The legal steps that must be followed according to the Bill of Rights to protect the accused.


What is a Referendum?
An election that allows citizens the chance to decide on a state or local law.


What is Judicial Review?
The power to declare acts of Congress, the President, and the states unconstitutional.


What is Leandro v. State?
The NC landmark case that ruled the state is not responsbile for ensuring that all students recieve equal funding for education.

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